NiNa Vacation Camp - Day 2

What Did I Learn Today?

You want to serve?

Forget your regimens & lists .

Be very still and lean in to listen.

& then it will be very clear what to do when you know the Truth.

You will let your heart blaze.

& your solutions will be fierce with Love, fast with delivery, & sustaining.

You will walk into any room & you will bring joy to bear on the situation.

& it will sound like this:

I am listening.

I know who I am.

I honour you

I do my best

there is nothing to prove

& I am here to serve

10 young ladies

6 mentors (past participants)

2 Angels( Patricia & Avinash)

1 true blue supporter from day 1 (Karel Mc)


respect for those who came before me & paid for my ticket to roam free

Day 2