Do You Give Second Chances?

Missing you is not enough. Making “the biggest mistake of my life” is not enough. If a person wants a second chance, then they should have a lot of clarity around what made the first go at it not work.When growth is present there’s a greater chance at a different outcome. When there’s no growth, there’s little chance at a new ending. Vienna Pharaon

Are you a second chance type of person? Do you allow for second chances in your relationships? or do you cut people off first time they slip up?

we call my granma "thousand chance" she gives people so many chances, while everyone in the family has sworn off certain members, she keeps the door open until they actually die or stop coming around

I have some of my grandma's traits. What I have learnt is:

1. Setting boundaries and consequences for violating those boundaries are important - I ought to know what I will tolerate and others ouught to know as well as knowing what are the consequences for disrepecting them

2. Saying yes all the time is unsustainable - especially saying it because you want someone to like you or not be pissed off at you

3. Do not ignore the signs - people show you who they are in the first five encounters, we go on hoping that they or things will change

4. Fixing mistakes to not be wrong and look like a fool is a waste of time - get the lesson and get out of the mess
