Make Better Choices

Life is made up of an infinite amount of choices. Most decisions, such as what you’ll eat for lunch today, are small and only slightly impactful, but it’s the big decisions—the ones that can change your life forever—that are tough to make. - Lydia Sweat


In January of every year I come up with three different mantras for the year. For 2018, my three mantra's were


1. Make Better Choices


2. Show up Real


3. Let go when you have done all you can



The second and third one has been easier. Make better choices has been the challenge.

Why? I act on impulse, I feel it, I do it. When I follow my intuition it works out swimmingly! it may not even make an inkling of sense the feeling and the doing it. But I press ahead like a champion. 

When the decision is made in fear, the outcome is fear based. 

So when faced with a decision, the mantra kicks in "Make Better Choices" 

Once I get still, my intuition whispers to me

Once I get busy the fear steps in


Make Better Choices - choose in Love not Fear

Make Better Choices - choose your intuition sometimes over logic

Make Better Choices - think about the big picture

Make Better Choices - believe in yourself

Gentle reminder to self!

