You Can Learn From Anyone

Personal change cannot be accomplished by technology. It requires commitment, persistence, determination and PATIENCE! Iyanla

I met her when she was 15 years old, she was working at the hair salon that I would visit. She would be sweeping or doing any errands that was required. On one visit I had the opportunity to chat with her. She told me that she was determined to be a haridresser, it was her dream, nothing would stop her not even the area where she was from. She lived in one of the notorious "hoods" in the capital city where most of the society write people off who live there.


As I continued to visit the salon she started doing more than sweeping and errands, she would wash the client's hair, we would always have our conversations about life.She always was so determined and disclipined, I could not help but admire her tenacity.

After a few months, she started managing the salon. The owner decided to give her an opportunity to manage the salon. Seemed to be the best decision the manager ever made the place was buzzing.

Given a young lady from the hood who showed promise, dedication and discipline is something I was reminded of anytime I see her.

Yesterday I saw her, she is married with her own salon and pushing ahead with the same discipline and tenacity. we spoke for hours, and anytime I sit with her I learn so much. We can learn from anything and anyone, give others a chance and change one, change a family.


Have you read any of Akosua's critically acclaimed books?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here?