Always Live Within The Question

The question! The question! Always live

within the question!"  It is when you think you have

all the answers that expansion ends, growth stops, and

your arrogance begins. Neale Donald Walsh

I was told that, in certain scenarios, I ask a lot of questions, and uncomfortable ones as well. 

Trust me, that is really never my intention, I ask questions  for  clarity - I believe in the Four Agreements made popular Don Miguel Ruiz.One of the Agreements, is do not assume, find the courage to ask the questions.

And for me, finding courage to ask questions was huge as the irony is, my friends who know me from a very long time gave me the name "I did not ask" 

We would be chatting away and they would ask me about something and my response would be "I did not ask". It became a huge inside joke. 

Now, the sentiment is that I ask too many questions!

I like asking questions, I learn more and I have more information and I am clear. 

Decision making improves all round.

I have noticed though, that people get very testy when I ask certain questions, some even get annoyed enough to preface our conversations with "please ask no questions, or please do not ask me to many hard questions" 

I have learnt to deal with these requests more graciously with time.

This week, a friend of mine made a request for a favour. I asked a few questions and she said this to me "I do not have all the answers, you do ask a lot of questions, but what I realise when I calm down is in answering them or thinking about them, I get more clarity or I find the answer somewhere" 

I smiled like I ate a hot homemade coconut bake straight out of the oven!

because I found the courage to ask,I am getting more compassionate in my approach and my intention was realised.

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