Work with Them to Gain Wisdom

We are suppose to learn from our negative emotions.

Get to the root of the issue and transmute the energy into discernment and action. What do you need to do?

If we ignore our negative emotions by suppressing them deep into our subconscious minds or we continue to feed them with negative mind chatter, blame and victim consciousness - we will create our own personal hells on Earth, our own states of hell consciousness, and then we will attempt to drag everyone down with us.

Negative emotions are alarm bells. They are warning signs for us to generate change. Wake up and be conscious of your own negative emotions and work with them to gain wisdom. Then you can tap into a higher level of discernment where you can utilize the strength of your inner will to release any attachments that may no longer serve your highest good. -Sabrina

A combination of suppressing  our negative emotions and not being conscious of our thoughts is really not a very good idea!

I'm just sayin'!

Find a way to express them  - in a healthy way, of course.

Find a way to learn from them. 

Get the wisdom.

Get the lesson.

Do you know who and what are your tests and triggers?

Who gets you mad as soon as they open their mouths?

When you watch the news what do you find yourself swearing at on the screen?

What triggers you to act a fool? To say after your actions - Damm I really ought to have known better. Or to swallow your pride and apologize.

What pisses you off?

I know who and what are mine. (yes I said who!, some people push my buttons, I ain't scared to confess!)

I started paying attention to my triggers.

I keep asking "what are you here to show me? to teach me? 

What can I learn from this? do I want to be this person? 

What needs  healing and attention?

Trust me, I am no enlightened master, sometimes I just get mad vex and buss a cuss or two silently under my breath or I vent with some of my friends (bless em for being so kind and patient) then I go back to asking myself the questions and pray that this reaction becomes less and less the norm.

Attachment of how "it is supposed to be" is one of our biggest challenges but I have learnt when we let go, keep an open mind, the result is astounding.

This is not saying do not have goals, visions, vision boards, these tools on the Journey help to move you to possibility thinking, to cultivate the seeds in your mind, to be receptive to more, to another way.

Do not get attached to the idea of what you think it is supposed to be, you really do not know.

The journey requires it for the adventure to be enjoyed


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What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love