It Must Be What You Want
Healing does not come from anyone else. You must accept guidance from within. The guidance must be what you want, or it will be meaningless to you. ACIM
I now believe that we are responsible for our own lives and I have now received this as
a blessing.
Responsible - making the choice to respond, having the ability to respond.
If we all have the choice and ability then we can all make the change.
That is how I have broken it down to keep it simple. I totally get and love simple.
Of course things will happen that we have absolutely no control over but what a blessing
it is to have the choice and ability to respond to the situation.
Healing does not come from anyone else, - you must accept guidance from within -
you and the Universe in tandem. Healing here does not refer to only sickness,
it can be a guidance on moving to a new place, getting into a business, a new job,
a relationship, a different mindset.
It must come from within and it must be what you want.
Not what anyone else wants for you or from you.
You must be willing and have an open mind
Think about all the times you have blocked your own blessings
and your own answers due to fear.
It must come from within and it must be what you want.
It will not come from a new handbacg, a new gadget.
It will not come from a new car.
It will not come by hiding it and pretending it does not exist.
It will not come from a relationship.
It will not come from burying one's self in their work.
It will not come from multiple partners.
It will not come from depending on anyone else to make you whole.
It must come from within and it must be what you want.
It really is just that simple.