You Are The Light

Light always serves a purpose, it directs ships to safe harbour, it illuminates our path, it can lead the way, it purifies, it exposes hidden dangers, promotes clear vision and if legend is to be believed it even repels, vampires, goblins and foul fiends that try to daunt the spirit. Paula Mae-Weeks, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

The 6th President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago was sworn in yesterday.

The 1st woman President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago was sworn in yesterday.

The 1st woman President of the country I am blessed to call home. I was here to witness it and even more blessed to have the opportunity to attend with my grandmother and mother, we saw history in the making.

The event raised in me all manner of pride! My pride levels were all sort of high!

A woman who earned this on merit. Confident in her approach and real in her delivery, everything that I know is required for a light bringer, a warrior of light! And her speech, so on point. It resonated with me down to my soul.

Inspiring me to continue to be a light, to do what I can, to have faith and work hard because without the two in tandem the job is harder, almost impossible.

What is even more amazing is in my grandma's lifetime this never seemed possible, there were not even toilets in workplaces which were exclusively for women. Progress is happening as we continue to press for it. We must take this opportunity and make the most of it knowing that we bring the light, we are the light.
