Change Your Mind

If what you are thinking, saying or doing in response to any person or experience is not bringing you peace, CHANGE YOUR MIND! If your mind is flooded with memories and thoughts of a pain-filled past or a not-so-promising future, CHANGE YOUR MIND! You can do it, just like that! When you change your mind, the things you've been thinking about, worrying about, crying over, running from, will look completely different. It may not be that anything in the actual picture changes, however, your changed mind will alter the way you see it. Iyanla

It always happens, always! I have been having a particular thought all week. 

I am a firm believer in what manifests itself in my reality is only a reflection of what is in my consciousness. Outer reflects inner. 

I truly believe that because we have free will,we can make our choices and there are consequences for each and every choice. So much so that we can change our minds when things are not working in our best interests. When we change our minds, we change our lives, when we make another choice there is another consequence. 

And so, I have been asking the Universe,what is in my consciousness? How can I change it? Because these choices I am making aren't working for me financially. What can I do now to change this conscious and unconscious behavior that relfects in my reality of skating financially and racking up debts. I'm tired of it! 

It came to me this morning in my readings and I interpreted it to be

Conformist ways change nothing! After I am informed, why do I confirm?

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind!

If you are serious about creating a change in your mind, here are a few tips.

Do not insist that people be who you want them to be. 

Do not insist that you are someone you are not. 

Do not insist that you can do things you cannot do. 

Do not insist that you know things that you don't. 

Do not insist that you will do things that you won't do. 

Do not insist that everyone is wrong about you.

Do not insist that you are right. 

Keep an open mind.

Do a new thing.

Give thanks

Be willing

Do the work

Whenever you are insistent about something, you create an attachment. 

Breaking that attachment creates disruption in the mind.

Change your mind, if it starts in your mind, change your mind to abundance, believe in that!

Change your mind to faith, believe in that!

Change your choices to honor you, for example, you don't have to spend that money on things you do not need, you don't have to prove to the world that you are "doing well" - you  ARE doing well, there is nothing to prove. The having of material things and fancy clothes nails and toes is not the only way to show that you are doing well!

You don't have to believe that a non traditional job is hard and that it  does not pay well and people don't pay for speakers and authors. And this country is stingy like that. And I have to fight for it all.

All of that is in your mind.

Wanting things to be different is not enough, be willing to do the work, the work starts inside!
