Go on.....Have Your Say
“How would your life be different if…You stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? Let today be the day…You stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others”
Steve Maraboli
Be someone that brings something to the table. Be a person who expresses. Have thoughts. Share your energy. Stand your ground. And for the love of sunsets and puppy dogs - hold an opinion. have an opinion. share your opinion.
Do not coil down. Do not retract. Do not always remain in such an area of gray that you lose your distinction. Stand for something. Stand for lots of things. And don't be afraid to share it.
When you find yourself without opinions it's typically out of a need for someone's approval. It comes from a place of wanting to be affirmed because you agree with whomever is around you.
How often are you muting your opinion? Sometimes, this is smart. Very smart. But many times your lack of opinion stems from that deep concern with what others will think of you. Of a deep desire to please.
As young people especially from nations considered smaller and developing we sometimes have a tendency to want validation from the larger countries or even to simply and blindly follow, but there is beauty in diversity, there is creativity and value in being authentic, it is by far the best and most free way to live, paving your own path while learning and honouring the lessons and trail blazers before you.
You're not going to become a pain in the butt just by having an opinion. That's a status reserved for people who have opinions and try to force their unproved belief on others. They project. And with it they hold no place for understanding, for empathy, for another person's place in life.
That's not you. You'll be the person with an opinion. The same one who can share their voice while still showing such kindness. You can communicate, you can share, you can help someone see your opinion while still understanding theirs. You don't make someone wrong. You don't make yourself right. You simply have an opinion. And you share it when it makes sense.
Go on, have an opinion, it really is OKAY
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