The Universe Got Ya Back!
A new fantastic point of view - A Whole New World
I was sitting out on the porch doing my usual morning ritual, writing my gratitude list. I walked out on the porsh this morning in a pensive mood, thinking about what else do I need to do to achieve the life that I want to live, what's missing, what am I doing wrong, what am I doing right?
As I sat down and picked up the pen, I starting writing out what I was greatful for and trust me, the feeling of joy just washed all over me after the first line that I wrote which was " I give thanks for the yummy piece of fish that I just ate which my friends left over from the meeting on Saturday" that was it!
That simple gesture got me thinking about all the other little things that I take for granted but bring me joy. Then I started reflecting on the many many times that the Universe got me, every bind that I found myself in, the times when I was living in Manchester, knowing no one in the City and had no clue where I would get money from or even food and just like that they both appeared. Times when I was in foreign countries and needed guidance, the Universe provided for me.
I can always depend on the Universe to have my back, always! never failing, always providing. Normally not in the way that I envisaged, most times even better than I ever imagined.
I just sat in my porch and felt such a feeling of peace and love. The questions that were flooding my mind about what to do semed so irelevant now! Keep doing what you are doing, have faith and believe and know that you will be okay! The Universe got ya!!
Starting the day in this mood I know, without a doubt, that today is going to be a precious day
Have a great day my friends
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