Are You Paying Attention?

Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act spontaneously, without needing to know why.” Sylvia Care

Life gives us so many clues and chances, hardly ever is there  something that happens "immediately" 

we always get some tyoe of signal, the question is what do you do with the signals? Do we pay attention? Do we ignore? Do we listen? Do we act on the signals?

I have learnt that paying attention to the signals is an important part of living a whole life! Ignoring them can at times be disastrous! Be it,

A pain in your shoulder

A nagging feeling about someone you cannot put your finger on

A long lasting cough

Call it intuition, call is signs whatever you call it, trust me, paying attention to it will turn out well for you 

What are some of the signs that you have been neglecting and ignoring?

