You Are The Messenger

People do not have to hear your message. That is not their responsibility. When you are given a message, an insight, a revelation, your only responsibility is to deliver what you have been given. What happens once the message is delivered is not, IS NOT, your responsibility. If you judge the correctness, accuracy or power of your message based on how it is received, you will miss the point. Once you, the messenger, miss the point, the message is lost. - Iyanla Vanzant

The Universe is always right on time! This morning as part of my daily readings, what would pop up is a message about delivering messages that comes from within. It could not have come at a more opportune time

Over the past days I have been having a mental battle about whether I am doing the right thing, doing enough, not doing what I ought to be doing. and all the other tricks of the ego. The girls programme in particular. What am I missing because of the fact that two of the ladies were involved in an altercation at the home which has made national attention.

I focused on what I was not doing, what I could do more, and of course, there is always room for improvement. In this case, the mutterings were filled with fear and worry.

The Universe uses people to spread its messages, people come into our lives to teach us, to show us where we must love more, forgive more, let go more, set more boundaries. People and relationships are usually our best teachers and classrooms, out best containers for learning and growth.

It is important for us to remember that we are also part of the teachers of the Universe, whether or not we acknowledge it, we come into other people's lives as teachers. Sometimes we may not even know the message that we have been tasked by the Universe to give.

When we deliver the message, many times the relationship is over, it is changed, it is altered- do not force to hold on

When we deliver the message it is not our business to judge it or alter it -  you are a channel

When we show up in other people's lives sometimes unexpectedly without logic remember that we are messengers, teachers and learners - remain open, remain flexible, lose the judgement, feel the feelings.

I know that I have to continue to spread the message of loving ourselves through it, of showing up real, of trusting the process and of giving back. Once I have done that I have to know in my knower that The Universe will do the rest.


Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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