Doing it For The Love and Not the Likes

Stop feeding your doubts with questionable news sources and social media gorging - Danielle La Porte

Social media plays an important part in the world at the moment, whether we want to admit it or not, and certainly whether or not we like it or not.

We are able to reach others in so many different parts of the world, to share our stories, our journeys, our happy moments, to market our products  and ourselves to spread good news and of course  there is a flip side. The alter ego's, the searching for validation, the reaction to bully's. 

I have found myself paying attention to the social media in quite a number of ways, so much so, that it started becoming the first thing I look at in the morning and last thing at night. Some of the times I also find myself arguing with or at my phone because of some of the content that I see

    I also sometimes find myself comparing what I do to what I see - and we all know comparison is the thief of joy


So I decided to make some changes! Turning off the phone at bedtime, not checking it as soon as I wake up on the morning! Leaving the phone off the dinner table whilst eating and not not not comparing myself to the perfect pictures and definitely definitely not "counting the likesw"

