Think the Biggest Thought
Do not be tempted to think the smallest thought or to
lower your expectations so that anything above that
will be considered a "win" for you. You will have
already lost... Neale Donald Walsh
It takes practice to keep thinking your highest thought, to stop from reacting, especially in relationships, whether it is intimate relationships, friendships, work relationships, which ever one.
It takes practice to also remind yourself of your intentions, to keep asking "what is my intention"
Over the last week I have been so tested, I had to summon the questions, particularly when I wanted my own way. I wanted to win at all costs. As soon as those feelings came up, I reminded myself that I had to ask, what is my intention and what is the highest thought. I must admit, not all the time it worked, I seem to have started off 2018 with a number of disagreements with friends, and there were times my response was listen - to hell with this! or to pout and act passive aggressive.
We prefer not to feel discomfort, we prefer not to go through the storm and come out on the other side
I, for one, find it extremely uncomfortable but I have been placed in this situation all of 2018 thus far
2018, you got me so far!
And what I have learnt is, once I pass through the discomfort, the knots in my tummy, it gets better, I feel free to express myself more and more knowing that I will be okay and if the other party makes a decision I do not like I may not agre with I will be better able to deal with the circumstance
I will be able to walk away knowing I said what I needed to say
knowing that I did my absolute best
knowing that I chose the highest and biggest thought
knowing that I checked in with my intention
and that my lovies is the best thing you can so, all else is a recipe for disaster
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