Are You Ready and Willing to Grow?

Making mistakes is a sign of growth; of trying something brand new, or so unusual that you don’t recognize it. There can never be growth without trying something new -- there cannot be growth without mistakes. Making mistakes is rewarded by nature, it’s the elimination of possibilities on the road to accomplishment Guru Singh

Raise your hand, right up if you believe in growth? 

Newsflash - if you do and is willing to grow guess what, you are going to make mistakes, things may turn out completely different to what is in your mind. So, if you are afraid, ashamed, unwilling, don't want to rock any boats and maintain the status quo, guess what, there will be no growth

Apply this to everything! Every.single.thing




Opening a Business

Writing a Book

and I can continue listing

Shifting a gear, moving to another level requires a change of mindset, a change of action, a self belief, the belief that you may just look "stoopid"

 dropping the defenses and the excuses and justifications for remaining where you are

I've said it and heard most of the excuses and justifications - all designed by us to remain where we are and have a "reason"

the kids

the economy

the job

the timing

the husband

the wife

the car

the money - oh the money

yada yada yada

Just do one thing different every day, one thing, and start from there

every little drop fills a bucket
