Always OK

Maybe you’re just kind of weird in a world that rewards “normal”. Too woo woo in a very linear, narrow-sighted culture. You’re doing all the good, metaphysical, motivational work but you feel like there’s a veil between you and what you really want to manifest, and if you get it, you don't get to keep it. Erase erase.

That’s the subtle but very toxic Lie of Inadequacy telling you that you’re here and what you want is way over there, on the “right” side of it all. DLP

Why are we afraid to speak our truth? to share the stories, the lessons on our journey's? I even ask myself the same question

What stops us from speaking up? From making a decision? From setting boundaries?

It all boils down to fear

Fear of losing

Losing the job, the friend, the relationship, the money, the respect

Funnily enough, it happens anyway, because one cannot pretend foreever, there will come a time with you have to tell the radical truth. There will come a time when the fear will not be enough to keep you from living your truth

And when that day comes know for sure that you will "always, always be very okay"


Akosua Dardaine EdwardsComment