You Are Divine

Accept the fact that you are Divine - Iyanla


The whole concept of "who are you?" is one that still fascinates me for many a reason includeing that we hardly ever contemplate it as a serious question and accept the definition of ourselves from our parents and sociaety, that knowing who we are is critical in making decisions that honor who we are and that knowing it provides a solid platform and foundation upon which to build.


My story of finding out is well documented and told- I was "forced" to contemplate it in a corner in a place in Northern Uganda on the spot, with many eyes upon me. I was told that nothing moves until I know and say out loud who I was with pride and confidence- a seminal moment in the shift of my own living


I sometimes forget who I am, because really remembering who I am holds me accountable and involves busting out comfort zones, unlearning patterns, questionuing norms and at times being darn uncomfortable. But all that never changees who I am and who I am in Divine! Who you are is Divine

What does that mean in simple terms?

It means that you are an extension of Divinity, it means that nothing you DO or nothing you say you are changes who you are at the core

You are Divine - you possess the attributes of the creator of the Universe

You are Divine - you are an extension of all that is abundant, good and loving

You are Divine - you are vastness

You are Divine - you are possess the wisdom and infinite inteeligence inside you

Nothing that you did, have done, will do can change that. That is just how it is

It is now up to you to accept, remember and act upon that. Who is ready for the challenge?


When I remember and act from who I trust the process knowing that once I act from this knowing that whatever the outcome is, is for the greatest good and I can handle anything that comes along with it

What an awesome feeling!
