Love More

I would love to share this with you

Lessons on the Journey




I am faith-filled and fear-free because...I am a celebration of love.

Beneath the pain, the disappointment, the resentment and fear that your life will never be as you want it to be, there is love. There is a memory of the touch, the feel, the excitement of love. There is a yearning to know and experience that expression of love. Go there! Be there! Rest there! Celebrate the love that you buried in your heart.

When you celebrate love, the unconditional love that lies the beneath all the experiences you have witnessed and participated in, you find a degree of understanding that diminishes mental and emotional anguish. The love beneath the hurt and pain of your life will not allow you to blame anyone. It will stop you from judging yourself and others. The love beneath your pain and the fear of pain will help you to become aware of all the things that you told yourself about love that were just fantasies. Love will remind you not to be upset when the fantasy is revealed. It will remind you of the truth you knew in the first place. The love that lies beneath what happened, however it happened, will remind you that you haven't been rejected, abandoned, abused or defeated. You were simply being given an opportunity to remember that there is a place within you in which you can find everything you need or thought you lost or wished that you had more of. Go there now! Be there now! Rest there now! The only thing that you need to do to find the love in you is to remember, God's love has brought you this far.

Until today, you may have forgotten that beneath everything that you have experienced, there is God's love. Just for today, look for the love within and beneath every experience. Remember all of the love that you have given and received. Fill your heart and mind with thoughts of love. Then celebrate yourself for recognizing love.

Today I am devoted to remembering and celebrating love no matter what else is going on! ~~Iyanla Vanzant, "Until Today"#Lovemore