What's Your Ritual?
feed your physical body with great nutrition, exercise and rest; feed your emotional body with effective and cleansing meditation -- reshaping your responses to the moments of life; feed your mental body with the discipline of constructive thinking (mindfulness) . . . do this with both the science of knowledge, and the art of joy. Guru Singh
I have incorporated exercise, meditation and nutrition into my life style. Because it improves how I feel and how I operate. I made it a big part of my life as a conscious decision. It allows for a flow, a flow of ideas, a flow of vibes, a flow of love
when the realisation hit that this life style allows for a flow, so many things changed
Firstly, it no longer became a chore, it became a choice, it no longer was compromised, it was prioritized, the actions became a part of me. Most significantly, the guilt surronding missing these activities is less and less. The flow outweighs the guilt of not doing and the self talk around it
Everyone may have their own ritual which allows the flow
What's yours?