Who is in Your Tribe? - NiNa Vacation Programme Day 4
You can do Epic Shit with Basic People - Unknown
I belong to a tribe, I call it a tribe because it goes beyond anything that I can control. The people who made this week possible are my tribe, they took a chance on me, they didn't know who I was, there was something that resonated in them that pushed them towards doing this and I appreciate them
Paddy and Avinash stepped in and I am so appreciative that they took their time to spend this week doing this work, Katherine, jumped in and brought her gift to the tribe as well. Your background may be totally different, your experiences may also be totally different - in the "normal" world. I am convinced that there is more than the "normal" world that exist in this realm, and in this world your tribe is linked in someway
I am extremely grateful for this tribe of love, this tribe of lightworkers, this tribe of friends
Today we spoke about what we want to do before we die, and to remind ourselves when we want to give up or make a poor choice - there are many things we want to achieve before we die and making that choice at the times snuffs that out
Timely reminder