
hoice terrifies people. Most of us will do anything to postpone making a choice, terrified of the consequence, terrified of being held accountable for the consequences, choice is a fundamental power of the human experience - Carolyn Myss

Pay attention when you have to make a choice, start with the simple things, someone may ask you to go to lunch, where do you want to eat. Watch your response

"Oh Wherever I don't know"

"You choose"

the small things turn into the big things


Your little decisions add up

Your choices, each and every one, have a consequence, even your "non-choices"

Make a decision, take a risk

What keeps us stuck is fear, shame and looking back and what happened back then, back there, to determine what and how to move forward

That's in the past, you may not even be in the same position, be the same person. Do not use the past as your compass for making a decision

Do not use fear, shame and what if

your choice is a super power

Whatever happens, you will get something out of it and that something may be even better than you anticipated

