Journey to the South - Last Day

Contrast and differences are necessary teaching aids, for by them you learn what to avoid and what to seek ACIM

Hello Lovies

I was without Internet access for about 4 days, in between travelling and spending time with my friend Kele  I did not focus on getting to a place with the Wifi

Coming to the end of my Journey, I must admit I love the Southern part of Africa, it gives me hope, it demonstrates to me resilience, it also demonstrates promise. Every time I go I am reminded of my responsibility to step up and live my best life, on purpose with purpose

This is my favourite lesson as I part

Do not put your faith or value in nothingness

What rests on nothing can never be secure, what is built on nothing will necer last

What is your something-ness?

What does that mean for you?

Thank you SA!
