It's Missing More Of You

It's not that the universe isn't giving you the people and the opportunities that are perfect for you; it's that you're missing them if you don't show up fully, and if you're not present because you're looking for the next best thing instead of showing up for what's right in front of you.

If you feel like something's missing from your life, it's missing more of YOU! Your presence, your focus, your energy, your love, your kindness,… Only what you are not giving can be lacking in any situation. Elione

Are you ready to show up?

Are you ready to be present?

Are you ready to be grateful?

Are you ready to use what you have?

Are you ready for possibilities?

We love to stay where we are emotionally, physically, mentally because it is safe, we know it

Anything else is unknown so we fear it

Even if where we are is just pretty darn awful

Its what we know,it's safe

Safety is boring

When something is probable in your mind and it is standing in front of you, you still dount it because you don't think it is possible

To get to possibility consciousness you have to dream, to imagine, to think big, to set your standards high

Are you willing?


Akosua's Ted Talk :
