Returning Stronger

 shift your focus from what’s wrong to what’s possible - Iyanla Vanzant

   I wanted to be an accountant for as long as I knew myself, I just knew I would be one. I believed it was written. And then when I achieved that dream I would live a rockstar life!


  I studied accountancy, I was chartered and certified in the mecca of accounting - The United Kingdom

  I believed that I was a rock star, I was out there "living the life", and then just like that poof, it was gone. Truth be told, I was living in fear, I was afraid that it was too good to be true, that  I would lose it, that I did not deserve it, it was a very anxious way to love, looking over my shoulder, protecting it, hiding it. And as I learnt now every thought is a prayer, I prayed for the loss of it unconsciously.

     I did lose it, spectacularly. A testatment of what lac of self belief and fear can manifest

    All that to say is now that I am no longer a practising accountant, and doing what I believe is my purpose, I have been asked to speak at the annual international accountants conference today! How ironic is that? I am speaking in a room of past peers, on a whole other topic! Life, life has a way of keeping us humble

    I am a combination cocktail of nervous, excited and grateful!   

     Check you on the flip side...
