Am I Judging You?
“You need to hear the truth about yourself as frequently as possible, because your mind is so preoccupied with false self-images.” – A Course In Miracles
I sometimes have difficulty in being clear on the difference between being judgemental and calling a thing a thing!
A recent article I read in Psychology Today gave five signs of being judgemental, I am now going to start using this "radar" as my yardstick in determining if I am being judgemental
1. Making a lot of negative moral evaluations of others.
2. Having a moral rating system that is skewed in your own favor.
3. Jumping to negative moral conclusions about others; being inclined to believe the worst.
4. Moving very quickly from judgments of the form "This action is morally wrong" to ones of the form "This person is morally corrupt."
5. Acting as if you can know that what so-and-so did was wrong even though you know much less about the context of so-and-so's action than so-and-so.
Just sharing my musings on the thoughts I have on judging people, that is all!
Any thoughts?