You Are Doing It Right
Of course you deserve to have the things you want in life. Of course you are worthy of having them. These are givens. The question is, are you willing to do the work required to get what you want? I am not talking about physical work. Oh no! Most of the time, we are all ready and willing to KILL OURSELVES WORKING to get the things we want. If that is all it takes, everyone's success would be assured. It is the mental, emotional and spiritual work that we usually overlook. When there is something that you really want, there is one thing you must really do - FOCUS! Focus your thoughts. Focus your energy...When you really want to focus on something, there is something you must develop and maintain -DISCIPLINE! You must be disciplined about what you think. You must do everything in a disciplined way. Iyanla Vanzant
I was chatting to one of my really great buddies who lives out in Johannesburg on Thursday, beautiful woman, beautiful kiddies, very kind and open, funny and smart and she said something to me that made me sit up, not only because of what it was but because it was the exact same thing I said to myself a few days before
She said " I wonder if I am doing this thing called life right"
How about that?
Is there a right and wrong way to do life?
How did we get to a point where we even have to ask this question when the blessings are flowing?
How do we get to a point where we can ask this, when the Universe loves us and keeps pointing out to us that what we are doing does not serve us yet still gives us free will to continue doing it, it never forces us to choose.
How do we get to the point where we ask this question when we are healthy, when we have people that love us, that show up when we ask and sometimes when we don't even ask?
Because we are sitting in a space of lack and not enoughness, we are sitting in a space where we forget who we are and want to get something for nothing!
Newsflash - something for nothing does not exist!
Life is really about taking each day as it comes, being present, learning the lessons and making sure you pass them on, there are ebbs and flows, somedays we are laughing and smiling and other times we are crying. It is all part of the seasons, there is a season for everything under the sun
The trouble happens when we start comparing, when we start putting a formula to what we think success is instead of listening to our intuition and guides
When we feel we have less than we ought to
Reminder - you both ARE everything and HAVE everything
We must do the work- that means taking responsibility for our lives
We must get to a point of acceptance - of who we are and know that it is all good
and that life is a cycle, with seasons and divine timing