Action and Self Belief

Trying to motivate yourself with fear is like screaming at a child, "Do something, dammit!" You'll either freeze up or act in counterproductive ways. Fear widens the knowing-doing gap. Don't use it.  Martha Beck'

How many times have you tried to scare yourself into doing something or maybe  into not doing something?

How many times did it work- in the long term?

I would safely bet to say not many times it works in the long term or work at all

Fear is usually not the best motivator to use

Nor is making yourself guilty

How many times you made your self guilty for having the nect donut, sending the text to the ex, spending too much time on social media instead of meeting your deadlines- that my friend does not work in the long term either

Action and Belief - there is it, simply that!

Take action - less talk- make the mistakes, learn as you go

Belief- believe that it can happen no matter what minus the expectations

Small steps daily - next time you open your mouth to say " I really should be " write it down then at the end of the day see how many times you "should" on yourself

The next time you feel guilty - take action, do something - not talk, something concrete.

Give it a go! Let's hear how it goes
