Body Shots
I believe we create every so-called "illness" in our body. The body like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs, the body is always talking to us, if we will take the time to listen Louise Hay
My shoulder has been injured for going onto 3 weeks, I have been walking around nursing it. I am a firm believer that what is happening on the inside or what is happening in one's life manifests itself in one's body
So it is with a mixture of frustration and curiosity that I find myself asking myself: "self, what is going on here?" I spoke to my shoulder too "Heal thyself!!" "Now!"
So this morning with that conversation in mind I started exercising, well well well
I had to run for the muscle relaxant almost immediately, it seems like the pep talk did not work
I have been contemplating what is happening that I am not facing, that I am blocking, that I am denying that I must pay attention to
Sometimes the healing starts within in fact, all the time the healing starts within
Starts with getting silent, getting still, getting honest, getting real!
It really is that simple