Do Not Lose The Plot

Use questions to build your strength. You will get angry. Some days you will be devastated. But even on the days when you might fail to be compassionate, please don’t let go of what you know to be true in your bones: that compassion illuminates the darkness. Danielle La Porte

How do you respond when your point of view is in the minority? Especially when the people are seemingly more powerful? What do you do when what you think and feel are different?

I was in a meeting yesterday and was totally outnumbered with my view, I started getting annoyed, I started raising my voice, I started being defensive, then it hit me I do this when I want to prove that I am right rather than listen to other points of view,  when I refuse to learn from others and most importantly when I believe that I am not being heard and losing control.

Really, I am never losing control, that is ussually a perception, a view that says I am wrong. 

Truth be told, there is nothing to prove to anyone, especially when you know that you know that you know, there are some people that one cannot convince, it is an absolute waste of time so don't even bother

Your role is to share your view and be open to it not being agreed to however knowing that you have done it with respect, love and intentions that are pure, the "fight down" aint necessary yo! It really is not!

So as I started shouting and looking to prove my point, I looked at the faces and it was clear no one was getting this so I stopped, I thought, let's leave this, let me find another way to get this message accross and if not then so be it!

As soon as defense starts, one has lost the plot

Do not lose the plot
