Love makes you more attractive
Love makes you more attractive. That means you attract, like a magnet. You don't attract just people: you attract various circumstances that reflect back t you the power of your devotion. Marianne Williamson
It is a conscious choice everyday to show up with love and in love. It a choice everyday to be kind, to be positive, to drop the self doubts and judgement. It is a daily choice, an like with all rituals and habits it gets strengthened and improved over time and effort.
How we show up in the room of life is really a choice
How do you want to show up today?
Non Judgmental?
Pissed off?
Marianne Williamson also says " your power is a result of your decision to reveal it. You are powerful in whichever moment you choose to be"
Here we see again, choice and decision.
It realy is that simple