[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] And when we are tested.....
And when we are tested We must apply all that we have learned All that we have studied And all that we have been taught. Natalie Stewart
The tests have been coming, and they thrown me off the track! I wanted
to run for cover, run in the cave and wait, to see if they would magically
disappear! But, what
about all the lessons? I heard a voice say
What about putting into practice all that you have learnt on the journey?
Yea, what about it? Can I just do a written test?
Unfortunately not my friend, you must apply the lesson, be patient with
Tests build character
Strength comes not from doing what you can do but from doing the thing you
believe you think
that you cannot.
Tests build strength
What ever the test is
Tests are situations in which you cannot predetermine the outcome in
advance and many times
you aren't able to prepare.
Tests build faith and trust.
Faith and trust is knowing without a doubt that whatever it is, you can
handle it and this too shall
Tests allow you to question beliefs that no longer serve you.
And the best thing about life is that we are not even required to get an A
in these tests!
Just showing up alone you are halfway there
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 9/04/2015 12:17:00 pm