[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Do not waste your failures

Do not waste your failures. (someone told me this I wrote it down but I
cannot remember who did)

Life for me is extraordinary and exciting, a few years ago I believed, and
no one could convince me otherwise, that I failed miserably because I lost
my job and man(husband) - even though they were both sucking the life out
of me, anyway I digress- so that was my perception and it fed into my
behavior! But now I know for sure that everything in your life is useful,
and all roads lead to God, some of us take the smooth road and some take
the hard road but it all leads to the same place.

Do not waste your failures - use it as fuel to live your fullest life.

Got rejected? GREAT! You are being taught self-approval and persistence!

Got fired! Awesome! It's a wake-up call and an opportunity to trade up to
something more fulfilling!

You got broken up with! Wonderful moment to learn how to open your heart
even more!

Out of money! YES! You are being taught that The Uni-verse is your supply
and to not rely on just the outer world for your health, safety and

Have to live at home? What a wonderful moment to stop with the social media
and get back to loving!

Do not waste your failures - all things are lessons that God would have us

So listen, this is not a call for you to bury your head in the sand and do
nothing but as one of my friends told me this week, feel it, cuddle
yourself if you must and move on. Do not waste your failures! And as I was contemplating this, my peeps from Kenya asked me to come to
Nairobi to talk at their "Fail -Up" workshop - a workshop where lessons on
how failure was part of the journey to success! How awesome is that? The
Universe talks and I listen Do not waste your failures! Peace!!

I will be at the First Citizens Women's Workshop in October - come dong.....

-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 9/18/2015 02:30:00 pm
