[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] - Seek not outside of yourself for it will fail.

Only when you have found the unconditional love inside of you can you stop
searching for love in all the wrong places. To begin with anywhere but
inside of you is the wrong place.

Once you have found the unconditional love inside of you, you can now look
for someone, equally worthy, who has also found the unconditional love
inside of them. Now you can have an interdependent love relationship. Not
dependant, not independent but interdependent.

This is my special Ed class! I will admit it! You know the class where you
stay back and have to repeat the lessons? Yea this one is me. Hand held up!
I keep repeating this class or being held back by the teachers. A Course in Miracles says "Seek not outside of yourself , you will fail"
and this is so fitting. Start within, start from there.

Seek not outside of yourself for it will fail. For all the pain comes from
simply a futile search for what you want insisting that it must be found. What if it is not there? Do you prefer to be right or do you prefer to be happy?

Be glad that you are told where happiness resides and seek no longer to
find it elsewhere

Stop searching....start finding.

Searching indicates some sort of lack, finding tends to lend itself to
adventure, discovery even newness

So I resolve today to move to the head of the class, with a sense of
adventure, newness and discovery looking within!


-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 9/11/2015 12:32:00 pm
