What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love - Something more than hustle
You are the creator of your own reality, and so you are not in jeopardy.
You do not need to control the behaviour of others in order for you to
thrive. Your attention to things that you think they do keeps you from
thriving is, in fact, what keeps you from thriving. It is not what they do
to you; its what you do to you in fear of what you think that they will do
to you Abraham.
A crazy thing happens when you stop all of the chasing and consider
attracting. What would it take to attract everything you want, the opportunities you're seeking, the doors you're opening and the people you're wooing.
It would take knowing who you are and what you are when you've dropped the hustle. It would force you to know what brings you joy other than finally climbing that mountain you tasked yourself with. It would require you to know fulfillment brought by something other than "inbox zero", something other than "I'll be happy when", something bigger than "Once I've...". Something more than hustle.
It would require you to go in. Way in. And orbit in the cosmos of your
It's uncomfortable. Life without the hustle is quieter. And yet louder. So
much louder.
You hear your own voice. You notice your own shit. You feel your feelings.
And you hear the questions that your soul finally had the strength to
bubble to the surface. You'll feel naked. And yet so beautifully free.
And eventually, you'll feel tempted, to fill the void with the hustle.
Because doesn't busy mean success? And shouldn't hard work be hard? You'll feel tempted to look at the rest of the world and say yes.
But don't. Because when you choose to sit there in your stillness, that
beautiful heart you know is in your chest will make itself known to you.
You'll know what you really want. You'll put out a pure energy of desire
and intent. And that grid of energy will begin to pull toward you that
which you've been hustling.
So if you're tired. If your energy is down. Or if you're wondering if this
is the only way. Drop the draining pace of the hustle. Forget about what
everyone else is doing and go your way. Through the doors to your heart. Peace!
-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 8/06/2015 02:58:00 pm