What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love - There is value in deciding in advance

The value of deciding in advance what you want to happen is simply that you will perceive the situation as a means to make it happen. You will
therefore make every effort to overlook what interferes with the
accomplishment of your objective, and concentrate on everything that helps you meet it. ACIM

Yesterday I called my grand mum, standard weekly call. She asked me how I was doing, in my usual response " Sheils I am good"

I call her Sheils. When I was growing up I would hear her friends calling
her Sheils and I would come after they had left the house and say Sheils
how are you? Her name is Sheila.

She would immediately stop me and say when you become a big woman over 25 you can call my name until then it's mummy, grandma or Miss Sandy ok? So the day I turned 25 I called her from London and said "Sheils I am 25!" She laughed and said I guess I did make a promise so from since then I call her on the phone and say Sheils how are you? Anyways I digress..

We were chatting about an opportunity that I missed out on that really had me questioning myself and feeling so disappointed, without even thinking I said "maybe God is punishing me Sheils"

She said "Wait, hold up for a moment, which God are you referring to? You know better. You know that God, the God you serve, is not one that punishes anyone, you know this, you know that we speak about God being a loving God who gave all of us free will, the ability to choose and whatever choice you make has consequences, so please, please don't tell me any nonsense about you being punished, you made certain choices and now you are seeing what the consequence of the choices are or you have sent out some mixed signals without believing"

The moment she said it I knew she was making sense!

I started her off, now it was a challenge to stop her

"We keep praying to the same God for what we already have and then wonder if God is listening rather than if we are paying attention, stop blaming God for your problems, okay madam?"

Focus on the choices you make and take responsibility and ownership for the consequences, blaming anyone including God is a cop out!

Ok then Sheils! Lesson learnt


-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 7/22/2015 11:28:00 am