What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love - Being wrong is not the end of the world
Being wrong is not the end of the world - Terry McMillan
Have you ever been called out on your "stuff"? Most times we start getting defensive and annoyed and start making excuses and reasons, well let me say most time I would start to get defensive and annoyed and start making excuses and reasons, let me not speak on your behalf, you know what you do!
And sometimes I may break out in a smirk or smile like oops, busted! When I was growing up, being wrong involved punishment, so as an adult as soon as I see it coming I go back there. Now no one taught me at the time that the world will not end if I did something wrong or made a mistake, that is wasn't that I was wrong or I was a mistake. Totally different thing! Ego tripping shifts us to the fact that we don't want to be wrong, or look bad.
Learn from it and move on! It really is not the end of the world, life goes
on. Yup, simple as that! Peace!
-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 6/27/2015 03:53:00 pm