[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Get it off your chest!

What you do not say can harm you. What you do not say can drain your
energy. What you do not say can steal your power. What you do not say can
and does give rise to toxicity in the consciousness that causes you harm,
drains your energy and robs you of your sense of and connection to your
Personal Power. Words are attached to feelings. Feelings are attached to
thoughts. Thoughts create and or disrupt the creative flow of power and
energy in your life. If you are ready and truly serious about standing your
power, there are some things that you simply must say to yourself and
possibly, a few other people. Inner Visions Worldwide Power Series

Not saying something to keep the peace, because you don't want to offend,
are afraid of confrontation or afraid of rejection can really come back to
bite you in the butt, literally. Studies have shown that people who keep it
all in are prone to suffer from heart attacks and throat cancer. Yea, it's
that serious! Now I am not advocating that people just be inappropriate and
out of order and say things willy nilly hurting other people's feelings and
being an overall A-hole! Nor am I advocating for saying things in the
inappropriate time and place. Say what you need to say to get your truth
and your feelings out, say it with the intention to empower yourself, state
your feelings and act like you know. Say it with love, pride and confidence
then let it go, this is about you!

So I teach what I need to learn so this is my mission for the next three
days, speaking my truth, speaking it with love for myself and for my
brothers and sisters, speaking it boldly and courageously and not
being "outta timing"! This is my act of power!

For those who I cannot speak to directly, I will write a letter, for those
who I cannot give the letter it does not matter I got it off my chest! For
those who I can speak to I am ready Oh and it can be wonderful things as well, awesome things you need to say,
hey, anything that is burning up your chest that you need to get off!

This is my act of power! Are you ready to join me?



-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 3/21/2015 01:43:00 pm