[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Stay Relevant
learning is invisible and what has been learned can be recognized only by
its results. (ACIM) I Absolutely love the Course in Miracles!!!
"Stay Relevant" - What a small statement with a whole lot of weight!
Someone, a friend that I appreciate immensely, mentioned this to me on
I thought hmmm "stay relevant" this can be applied to all relationships,
work, personal, career, you name it! It can be applied to companies as
well. Powerful indeed.
I appreciated this piece of advice and resonated with me. Many companies
have gone out of business because they did not stay relevant. The CD
Walkman, the VCR, the mainframe computer and I can go on, were no longer
relevant and are now resigned to the irrelevant dustbin!
What about relationships? Are you remaining relevant in your relationships?
So, how do I stay relevant? I believe authenticity and a sense of purpose
plays a huge role in this. the urban way might say it like "What you for?"
or " Who you be?" What do you stand for and why are you doing it? What is
the intention behind it? Is it love or fear?
That's my thoughts on it for now, to be continued.....
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 2/23/2015 01:37:00 pm