[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Lessons and more lessons

When there is acceptance, judgment no longer has any power. Panache Desai

I have been learning tons of lessons over the past few days! Life is full
of surprises and possibilities. I strongly believe that the Universe is an
infinite opportunity machine., To tap into it we must go "there", where we
put the work in and ask the right questions.

I wake up everyday and know that my life as it stands now is a gift and
that everyday brings with it so many surprises! Life is delighted to
surprise me and now I am pretty comfortable with every surprise

This is what I have been practicing over the past week, watching the
feelings that I have pass through me rather than holding on to them and
judging them. I embrace it, feel it and then let it go.Let me tell you, it
is one of the best things I have decided to do.

This morning a good friend of mine called me and we were chatting and I
asked about another friend and she started crying uncontrollably! I was
stunned at her response! She gave me some sobering news in between the sobs
that our friend is dying and will die soon, in less than one month. Now I
immediately thought ok this is what the Universe was preparing me for, to
sit in the feelings and let it pass! Usually I would just start talking
about it, say something positive and bottle it up, but I cried! and it felt
much better! I am sitting with this feeling today and letting it pass and
recognizing that life is indeed a gift and all the shit that I fuss about
is so insignificant when I can be sharing my gifts with the world, having
fun and living my life to the fullest!

So on Carnival Tuesday in Port of Spain, this is the festival where I
experience the most freedom. People are on the streets partying and having
fun, I made a vow to myself to experience all of it if I want to and stop
making up excuses! to embody the freedom that the festival promotes today
and forward. To live my life to the max! I want to know that when I am gone
I have done my best and left an impression just as my friend will that has
us crying our eyes out on Carnival Tuesday not only with sadness but with a
joy knowing that it is a great person who we had the absolute honor of


-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 2/17/2015 02:46:00 pm
